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How HELLA finds success with MTPE.

The global corporation HELLA has managed to save considerable resources by using MTPE translation technology and is thrilled with the results.

In 2018, the automotive supplier HELLA decided to implement its diverse translation work using the options offered by MTPE (machine translation + post-editing). HELLA chose the language service provider oneword as its partner. Since then, HELLA has benefited from considerable time and cost advantages. Find out in our case study how the revolutionary translation method looks when used in a large company!

Our HELLA MTPE case study:

  • gives you an insight into how HELLA saves up to 40 per cent in translation costs thanks to MTPE.
  • shows you which text types oneword translates for HELLA with MTPE.
  • gets rid of any reservations, because artificial intelligence paired with human intellect leads to high-quality results!


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