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Terminology clean-up in 20 languages at HOMMEL ETAMIC.

A universally valid source of truth – for HOMMEL ETAMIC this is now a satisfying reality. Thanks to its collaboration with oneword, the Jenoptik company has cleaned up its terminology data and implemented effective processes to simplify and speed up translation projects.

HOMMEL ETAMIC is part of the Jenoptik Group and is a leading manufacturer and system supplier of measurement technology for industrial manufacturing processes. The company has always had a great need for translations and used a terminology database in which technical terms in a total of 20 languages have been entered for over 20 years.

This repeatedly led to inconsistencies or contradictions in the use of technical terms. To minimise this potential for error, they wanted to develop a ‘single source of truth’. oneword was set this task in summer 2023.

In our case study, you will learn how:

  • large terminology databases can be cleaned up.
  • effective terminology processes can look.
  • good terminology simplifies and speeds up translation projects.


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